Thanks for this great article, Jonathan! I used to be someone who would read only one book at a time. But for the past couple of years, I have started reading several books at a time. Maybe it’s because I stopped finding the time to complete a book at one go — [Those dedicated fifteen-minute reading slots sound great! I’ll be trying that out.] — and therefore, had to space out my reading, during which time I would find a new book that I liked and start reading that as well.
I also like what you mentioned about rotating the books. I have some that I remove from my “currently reading” pile and pick up again on a later date. Sometimes, I can digest more of non-fiction and academic works, whereas sometimes, I crave fiction just to be able to read for fun and break the monotony. Lately, I’ve also been experimenting with reading one fiction book at a given time and then going back to my rotation of books (not involving fiction). In a sense, it helps keep me motivated.